About JPA
The purpose of the Japan Pharmaceutical Association is to contribute to securing and improving the healthy lives of the people, in cooperation with prefectural pharmaceutical associations, by enhancing pharmacists’ ethics and promoting academic activities and advancing pharmacy and pharmaceutical care. [Reference: Article 3, JPA Statutes]
Promotion Activities for International Congresses
JPA holds membership in International Pharmaceutical Federation(FIP), Western Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum(WPPF) and Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Federations(FAPA). JPA cooperates to the activities of those organizations.
At annual congress of FIP and biennial congress of FAPA, pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and students across the world gather and discuss the matters concerned with pharmacy profession and pharmaceutical science.
Those conferences offer opportunities to broaden international view and to develop and improve the activities and services. JPA is keen on promoting participation in international conferences for pharmacists. JPA website (list of conferences/seminars) provides information on FIP Congress and FAPA Congress.
JPA International Exchange Program
JPA offers the JPA International Exchange Program to promote participation in FAPA Congress.
Annual Report of JPA
Annual Report of JPA [PDF] is one of the tools to support these international exchanges. The Report provides information on overview of JPA, pharmacy education, bungyo(separation of dispensing and prescribing), Pharmacist Platform and Code of Ethics for Pharmacist in Japan, in Japanese and in English language.
日本薬剤師会 国際交流プログラム[原文]
日本薬剤師会では、FAPA学術大会の参加促進等を目的として、国際交流プログラム を実施しています。
このような国際交流における参考資料の一つとして、「日本薬剤師会の現況」(Annual Report of JPA)[PDF]があります。本会の概要について、また、日本の薬学教育制度、医薬分業の現況、薬剤師綱領、薬剤師倫理規定等が掲載された資料(和文・英文併記)ですのでご参照ください。
海外資料の和訳/Translation of Documents
In course of cooperation to international organizations, translated versions of documents/materials of each organization have been prepared in Japanese text. Please see the list below.
文書名 Document |
原文の発表年 Year of original publication |
薬剤師倫理規定 [TRANSLATION] FIP Statement of Professional Standards: Codes of ethics for pharmacists |
2014, Bangkok. FIP. |
薬局業務規範(Good Pharmacy Practice)に関するFIP/WHO共同ガイドライン:薬局サービスの基準 [TRANSLATION] Joint FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmacy practice: Standards for quality of pharmacy services |
2011, Hyderabad. FIP/WHO. |
FAPA2006横浜宣言 [TRANSLATION] 2006 FAPA Yokohama Declaration |
2006, Yokohama. FAPA. |
地域薬局及び病院薬局における薬局業務規範(東京宣言) [TRANSLATION] Standards for quality of pharmacy services |
1993, Tokyo. FIP. |
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